Thirty-two days ago NHL commi sioner Gary Bettman released a statementannouncingthe 2019-20 season would be paused. Monday afternoon, he spoke with CNN's Anderson Cooper regarding the return of the sport."Were on pause as we have been since March 12," he said. "Were exploring all options, but when well have an opportunity to return depends on things that we have absolutely no control over because it all starts with everybodys health and wellbeing. Until theres a sense that people can get together, not just in our arenas but for our players to get together to work out, we dont know when we can come back but its something were monitoring on a daily basis."With the COVID-19 pandemic still holding a firm grasp on the United States and copyright, when the league might resume is still an unknown entity. Players were allowed to return to their homes outside of their respective NHL cities, with many returning to Europe or acro s the continent. The NHL also extended its self-quarantine period for players to April 15; it was originally mandated through March 27.Stanley Cup playoffs: Over the course of the last week, rumors have swirled Dewayne Dedmon Jersey that the NHL has been looking at neutral sites,including, Manchester, New Hampshire, and Saskatoon, Sask.,to finish the regular season and play the 2020 Stanley Cup playoffs. This comes after Bettman told , the NHL couldcome back over the summer now that the Olympics have been postponed to2021. On CNN, Bettman added that the NHL is preparing to come back when the timing is right and cannot"rule out any conceivable alternative," including playing games without fans.Regardle s of the format, if the NHL were to comeback at some pointin June, July or August, he stated that players will need"two or three weeksto get back Jeff Teague Jersey into playing shape" as they have not been able to skate since the league shut down.During this break, players have only been able to work out at homeand have not been able to skate, unle s they were rehabbing an injury."As much as we may worry about everybody not just our players or the NHL family but everybody safe from the coronavirus, we also want to make sure our players dont jeopardize their health by coming back too soon and not being in game shape," he said.MORE:One way or another, hockey will return at some point and Bettman stre sed that he, and his fellow commi sioners around North America,understand the importance of sports returning at the right time."Its something that, for the psyche of the American and, in my case, the Canadian public is very important," he told Cooper. "Sports can be part of bringing people together, can be part of healing, but we all agreed that until its the right time, there are other more pre sing i sues than when we come back."
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